Questions from Fans

I often get questions emailed to me at the website, but for some reason my emailed replies don’t seem to find their way back, so I thought I’d post periodically with answers to the various questions people send me.

1) Is There Going to Be Another VIRTUES OF WAR Book?

I get asked this quite a lot, and I appreciate it every time. There was, just last month, a new installment to the VIRTUES saga, but with a twist – FOG OF WAR is an interactive novel (like the Choose Your Own Adventure books many of us read as kids) where the reader gets to be an Astral Trooper. It’s very cool. 🙂 Here’s the trailer

There was also a new short story starring everybody’s favourite star pilot, Jack Mallory, in the 2017 anthology INFINITE STARS.

But as for a traditional novel picking up the story where MARCH OF WAR left off, there are currently no plans. I certainly have some ideas about where I’d take the series next, but since I’m hard at work on the BLACKWOOD & VIRTUE series right now, it looks like Jack, Thomas and the gang will have to wait.

2) Is There Bad Language in the VIRTUES OF WAR books?

Yes. Sorry. When I set out to write these books I wanted to portray the military lifestyle as realistically as possible, and there’s no denying that sailors and troopers cuss a fair bit.

That said, the interactive novel FOG OF WAR was written intentionally to not have any bad language – I wrote it while keeping in mind that my 11-year-old son wanted to read it. So if you’re looking for some military SF without a single f-bomb, FOG OF WAR is the place to go.

On a related note, the BLACKWOOD & VIRTUE series is also pretty clean. It’s written in a swashbuckling style and “Damn you eyes!” is about as potty-mouthed as the characters get.

3) Are There Any T-shirts with Jack Mallory on Them?

This one just made me laugh. The gentleman who wrote in is a professional pilot himself and he obviously enjoyed Jack’s various adventures in the series. He suggested that we make T-shirts that said simply:

“Jack Mallory. I’m a pilot.”

I did a bit of market research and the fan response was pretty positive! So maybe one day…

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