The Answer to How Many Star Wars Memes is Best: 42

Like it or not, Star Wars is here to stay. After more than forty years, twelve movies, six TV shows (remember Ewoks and Droids, back in the 80’s?), multiple specials, a video game or ten, and so many books they had to make most of them no longer canon, Star Wars has settled in as a cultural colossus. Even if you’ve never seen it, you know who Yoda is, you know who Luke’s father is, and you probably wish you didn’t know who Jar-Jar is.

I get it – Star Wars fans may sometimes come across as a little intense, but their passion for this saga has produced some hilarious entertainment across the web. Funny Star Wars memes have become a favorite method not only of providing a good laugh but also as an outlet for Star Wars fans to express frustration with their beloved franchise in a way that doesn’t cause property damage. Memes can be comments on politics, expressions of community concerns, a way to honestly review an episode or just share an idea.

Most often, though, they’re just a fun way to get through our day, and I know my morning is brightened if it can start with a pithy visit to that galaxy far, far away. Cookies help, too. Cookies in the morning make me smile. Just sayin.

Let’s explore forty-two of the best Star Wars memes.

Skywalker Memes

Where better to start than with the center of the whole saga: the Skywalker boys. Luke has been the subject of jokes for years, but when the Prequel Trilogy came out his dad Anakin became a leading member of the Star Wars meme community. And although not a Skywalker by name, Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren) carries on the proud family tradition.

Here’s an image for ya



It’s all about the cookies


Which side of the stories is best to share?


Are you sure he’s the new hope?

Okay, to be fair, this isn’t actually part of the movie. This is just Mark Hamill messing around between takes. But who cares? Meme on, baby!


Adulting is tough


Never mind what the old folks say


Padme Memes

Natalie Portman is a wonderfully talented actress, but the wooden dialog and contrived scenes in the Prequel Trilogy didn’t really give her a lot to work with. And while we may feel bad for Ms. Portman as a professional, it hasn’t stopped fans from producing funny Star Wars memes at Padme’s expense.

Padme of a thousand faces



A sign you maybe shouldn’t have kids just yet

This Star Wars meme comes around with new words every so often, and it’s transformed what was, quite honestly, a painful scene into a funny life lesson. Basically, when you’re in an intimate talk with your beloved, don’t wait too long to share your answer. Especially when, say, your hesitation can, like, totally be read the wrong way.


The Star Wars Meme of What Could Have Been

I’ll be the first to admit that Star Wars doesn’t always hit the mark when it comes to solid characterization. A lot has been said about the amazing potential in The Force Awakens for Finn and Poe to develop as complex heroes, but how both characters were sold short in The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. In particular, their sudden friendship had a real sincerity to it in the first movie that disappeared into wisecracks and a weird awkwardness around Rey in the later movies. This meme captures what could have been (and what many fans wanted):


Yoda Memes

Yoda is definitely a favorite topic for memes, with his unique speech patterns inspiring jokes of all kinds. I have to wonder if the Jedi in the High Republic made snide comments behind Yoda’s back when he was a young padawan, and that’s why he was always so nice to Anakin. But whatever – let’s see the funny memes!

Yoda, the fifth Beatle



Yoda, the math wizard


Yoda, the beefcake


Yoda, the producer



Yoda, the Google training device


Obi-Wan Kenobi Memes

Although he presents himself with great dignity later in life, we all saw in the Prequels that Obi-Wan Kenobi stood on the high ground of sass. Here are some moments that never actually happened but should have.

See what I did there?



The years have brought new perspective


How do we account for Vader’s raw anger? Oh…


Wait, when you put it that way…


Ewok Memes

Any online post is better with a cute image in it, which is probably why the ewoks feature so often in Star Wars memes. These furry little fellas take a lot of flack from the fandom these days, almost like we’ve forgotten how much the ewoks were loved years ago when Return of the Jedi was first released. And maybe these teddy bears can’t touch Baby Yoda for sheer cuteness, but photos of them make any post more fun.

Never mind the fact that, however good the ewoks become in the movie, they share a dark past…

New toys from the last battle


The things we don’t talk about in the kids stories



Sith Memes

The villains of a piece are usually not supposed to be funny, but Star Wars memes have a way of transforming even Darth Vader into comedy gold. He’s certainly not the only Darth in the saga, and almost every day we see another member of the Sith get dragged into a Star Wars meme. What better sign of good, quality entertainment do you need?

We’ve all had that boss


The right tool for the job


The site of the next monument?


The moment that proved just how badass Darth Vader really is



There’s just something about red


The very image of the Sith


Crossover Memes

Star Wars fans love their movies (even the Prequels, mostly) but they love lots of other movies, shows and geeky stuff outside of Star Wars. It can even be a weird source of pride in the community, to be able to draw connections between one franchise and another. I guess it makes one seem worldly in geek culture…? Not that I’m one to talk: I totally got all of these jokes.

(And did anyone out there in the community see what I did with the title of this article? Points if you got it. Double-plus points if you thought it was funny.)

When you see that every member of your class is gone


The true dark knight


Take a page from the Rebels, and just run


Dad, you’re embarrassing me


Dad, this seriously isn’t funny


It just had to be done, lol


Memes About Star Wars Fans

Thankfully, Star Wars fans are usually pretty good at making fun of themselves. I mean, the rest of the world does, so why not share the fun? If every member of the Star Wars community could become like the folks who made these memes, every day at every Star Wars con could be a new, hilarious high. Here’s hoping.

Getting past the politics



You want to watch the latest episode of The Mandalorian?



You’ve heard of Star Wars?



Just Plain Funny Star Wars Memes

Okay, before any hard core Star Wars fans log official complaints against me, or take out Facebook ads saying I’m being mean, allow me to offer this gift of some final Star Wars memes. They’ve got jokes, they’ve got Anakin, they’ve got historical references, they’ve got astronomy, they’ve got social awareness, they’ve even got advice on how to get your girlfriend’s dad to like you. They don’t tell any funny stories about the high ground, but haven’t there been enough memes about that silly Prequel moment already?

Anyway, I hope you like them, and I encourage you to keep looking for hilarious memes. Episode II is the best place to start for source material (because seriously, Attack of the Clones is the high ground of awfulness across forty years of Star Wars) but study any Prequel and you’ll become more than ready for the meme game.

The real reason Anakin was only a member of the Council, and not a master


The Ancient Greeks get it


The best way to get off on the wrong foot


Proud member of Team Nerf (and still not impressing the girl’s dad)


When kids won’t read, it’s best to show them a picture


How, exactly, did NASA log these observations?


Did I read all those Expanded Universe books for nothing?


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